Thursday, June 4, 2009

So Thankful

Recently a coworker of mine shared with me the battle that her 3 1/2 year old niece is facing...after dealing with hundreds of daily seizures since the age of six months and trying every medication available with no results, the decision was made to remove half of her brain, the half that the seizures were originating from. I have been reading the daily blog written by her parents, and every day I pray and cry with them. I cannot even begin to imagine seeing your child undergo such a drastic procedure, and not knowing what they outcome would be. By God's grace, Sophie is doing even better than they could have hoped and every day she returns more and more to her normal self. Her parents and family and friends surrounding them are so strong and brave for Sophie and I pray daily for them that Sophie is able to return to her new normal, seizure free. I also thank God every day for a baby who is so far healthy and happy, even with the heart valve problem. Marlie is "talking"--my favorite part of the day is when she has a full belly, right after her bath, and she lays on my lap and "talks" to me. I talk and sing to her and she stares at my face so intently and then starts to make all sorts of cooing and babbling noises. I am still so amazed every single day that we have been blessed with this miracle and that God saw fit for us to be her parents. Right now she is laying in her bouncy seat, staring at me and kicking her feet and making noises, letting me know that computer time is over, and it's time for me to play with her. It's Marlie's world, I just live in it. :)