Monday, July 23, 2012

Schools Out

I have finished all the work for all of my classes. I am officially done...for 30 days. In one month I start taking my Cisco Certification classes again. This would be a great time for  prospective employers to swoop in with the job offers so I dont have to go to Granite City until next May. Anyone? Anyone? Oh well, heres another picture to help me get through it.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sometimes life gets in the way...

The last couple weeks have been especially difficult. The heat has been unrelenting, work has me grumbling under my breath all day, the a/c was out at home for a bit, Jackson wants to eat every 3 hours and is not afraid to let you know it, homework is starting to drain me, and the insurance bills have started rolling in. All of this is frazzling my nerves, and I'm sure my family is starting to think I have gone crazy. Me and Jackson watched the baseball game on TV tonight, and then Wendi took this picture before he went to bed(AKA the light nap before midnight meal #1). This picture reminds me of the reason I do everything I do. Maybe someday, when he is jetting around in his flying car, he will accidentally pull up an old archive of the Internet and see this, and know that it wasnt always easy, but it was always for them.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

I'm Back!

The TeamRose blog will be back in business since I am now using it for class. I forgot that I had one, as you can see from the lack of posts for the last 2 years. Anyways, I will be trying to add more content in the next couple weeks. The second baby gives us double the amount of stuff to put on here.