Monday, April 20, 2009

Can we really ever have it all?

So, I'm "officially" back to work for two weeks now, and Marlie is with my sister and Rich when I'm gone. And even though they are two of the people that love Marlie (almost) as much as I do, I still feel so guilty and sad when I leave her. She is so tiny and yet changing and growing so much every day, that I honestly feel like she grows in the eight hours I'm gone. I don't want to miss any "firsts" and yet because we need the insurance for her specialist's visits, I have to be away from her. Sigh...

Friday, April 10, 2009

Sorry for the delay!

Sorry for the delay in creating a new post, as one can imagine, life at our house has gotten much busier in the last 2 months! But what an amazing two months...Marlie is getting so big so fast! She's already up to 23 1/2 inches and almost 13 pounds, wow! She's also finally starting to sleep longer through the night, thank goodness--Daddy and I have been on autopilot for a while. :) She is such a joy and a blessing from God, and we are so thankful for her every single day. Rich went back to work three weeks ago, I know he misses her during the day, but he makes a beeline for her when he gets home at night. I start back to work next week, but only three days a week, and two of the days she'll be with my sister and one day with her Daddy, so I know she'll be in awesome hands. I took her to get pictures taken a few days ago, and the results were so fantastic--the young photographer deserves every penny she is paid! We hope everyone has a great Easter!