Friday, April 10, 2009

Sorry for the delay!

Sorry for the delay in creating a new post, as one can imagine, life at our house has gotten much busier in the last 2 months! But what an amazing two months...Marlie is getting so big so fast! She's already up to 23 1/2 inches and almost 13 pounds, wow! She's also finally starting to sleep longer through the night, thank goodness--Daddy and I have been on autopilot for a while. :) She is such a joy and a blessing from God, and we are so thankful for her every single day. Rich went back to work three weeks ago, I know he misses her during the day, but he makes a beeline for her when he gets home at night. I start back to work next week, but only three days a week, and two of the days she'll be with my sister and one day with her Daddy, so I know she'll be in awesome hands. I took her to get pictures taken a few days ago, and the results were so fantastic--the young photographer deserves every penny she is paid! We hope everyone has a great Easter!

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